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Carlisle missing teeth replaced by Dr. Thomas Neslund

April 4, 2016

Dr. Thomas Neslund replaces Carlisle missing teeth with excellent options, including dental implants. Learn the whys and hows from this experienced dentist.

Tooth loss affects surrounding teeth. Whether a tooth has been extracted, knocked out, decays or loosens due to advanced gum disease, the patient must deal with that smile gap. Dr. Thomas Neslund, Carlisle, PA dentist expertly helps his patients with the problem of missing teeth.

Why replace missing teeth?

Some reasons for tooth replacement are more obvious than others. A smile gap, particularly right in the front of the mouth, ruins facial appearance. Additionally, the individual suffers a blow to self-confidence as he hides his mouth when smiling, laughing or speaking in public.

Other reasons for tooth replacement may not be as evident, but time makes them very noticeable:

  • Loss of even one tooth allows neighboring teeth to weaken and drift to fill the empty space.
  • Loss of multiple teeth causes substantial gum and bone recession.
  • Associated bone recession, particularly with substantial tooth loss, collapses bite height and changes facial appearance with sagging muscles and skin wrinkles.
  • Biting and chewing are far less efficient, and edentulous individuals, or those with no teeth at all, suffer substantial nutritional and speech difficulties.

So, Dr. Thomas Neslund, your Carlisle, PA dentist, recommends tooth replacement. He and his dedicated team of professionals work to provide restorative dentistry treatments right for the patient’s individual oral health situation, budget and preference.

What are the options?

Traditional tooth replacement options are fixed bridgework and partial and full dentures. All are customized to precisely fit the patient’s mouth, blending in with any remaining teeth and complimenting facial appearance.

Fixed bridgework consists of one or more artificial teeth attached to neighboring, or pontic, teeth with porcelain crowns. While bridges do nothing to stop gum and bone recession, they functionally fill the space, preserving appearance and ability to eat normally.

Partial and full dentures deal with more substantial tooth loss. A partial denture is made up of several teeth mounted on a metal frame. The frame attaches to natural teeth with clasps and basically fills smile gaps the way a puzzle piece fits into a jigsaw puzzle.

The Carlisle, PA dentist places full conventional dentures after gums and bone are fully healed post-extraction. Held in place by the mouth’s natural suction, these traditional appliances afford good biting, chewing, and speech after facial muscles adjust. Dr. Neslund ensures good fit and a natural look so patients feel confident when they eat, speak and laugh in public.

Dental implants are today’s best artificial teeth. Each device has 3 parts: a titanium screw or cylinder, a metal alloy post and a porcelain crown. Dr. Neslund surgically inserts the screw into healthy jaw bone, allows for healing and integration with the bone and then finishes the restoration with a lifelike crown.

No restoration beats the appearance, feel or performance of the dental implant because of a process called osseointegration. The jaw bone actually fuses, or integrates, to the implant device because human bone has an affinity for titanium. Also versatile, dental implants anchor bridgework and full sets of dentures for the most stable restored smiles possible.

Don’t suffer with tooth loss

Modern restorative dentistry offers many options for Carlisle missing teeth. Learn more about how Dr. Thomas Neslund of Carlisle Family & Cosmetic Dentistry can fill your smile gaps. Contact the office today for a personal appointment.